martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017

A "Long Weekend" is a "Bridge" in Spain by Lola Ortega Muñoz

In the British Commonwealth countries, and in Ireland, a "long weekend" is a weekend that is at least three days long, due to a public holiday falling on either the Friday or Monday. Or a four-day weekend, in which two days adjoining the weekend are holidays. Examples:  Easter Monday / Good Friday and Christmas Day / Boxing Day.  The term is often known as a "Bank Holiday" weekend, since bank holidays always fall on a Monday.

In the United States, on the fourth Thursday of November  the traditional "Thanksgiving Day" is celebrated, and the adjacent Friday is made into a non-working day at some businesses. This Friday is considered an unofficial holiday known as "Black Friday", which starts the shopping season. Many shops open their doors very early and offer discounted products at factory cost or even at lower prices to attract the public.

A "Bridge" is an expression used in Western countries to mean taking additional holiday days, it is formed by joining one holiday with another one, or a weekend. In some places the expression "Sandwich" is used to refer to a working day that falls between two holidays, and workers may take it off on account on vacation days.

In Spain, the celebration of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 (on Wednesday 6 December) and the Day of the Immaculate Conception (on Friday 8 December) form a block of five days, one of the most important "bridges" in the calendar that opens the doors of Christmas time.

In French culture there is the equivalent: "Faire le Pont", as well as between Italians and Portuguese with "Ponte". In Germany and Switzerland the bridge is called a "Brückentag", "Fenstertag" in Austria and "Brugdag" in the Netherlands.


In Spain, a worker has 15 holidays a year: 12 days of national holiday, 1 regional day and 2 local days. Like Spain, all countries have a number of holidays -in general, between 10 and 15 days- distributed throughout the year. The majority of EU states maintain this figure, although economic problems have meant the reduction of some holidays.

In spring we have "Semana Santa" or Easter, a religious holiday for Christians. Holidays are Holy Thursday and Good Friday. In general these dates are a small vacation to rest or travel. On 1 May, as in many other countries, the "International Labour Day" is celebrated.

On 15 August is the "Day of the Assumption of the Virgin". In Málaga, it is the central day of the "Fair" that takes place in that week. In Andalucía we celebrate, on 28 February, our Statute of Autonomy.

On 12 October, the holiday is civil and religious. The "Day of Hispanidad", both in Spain and in Latin America we remember the discovery of America. In addition, it is the onomastic of the "Virgen del Pilar", patron saint of Spain.

On 1 November  is "All Saints Day". It is typical to visit the cemetery and lay flowers on the graves.

On 25 December, "Christmas Day" is a holiday, but it is not "Christmas Eve: Nochebuena". On  1 January  or "New Year" starts on "New Year's Eve: Nochevieja".

On 6 January, Epiphany or "Day of the Magi: Día de los Reyes Magos", is very famous among Spanish children because they traditionally receive their gifts.

viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

Gerald Brenan, hispanista angloandaluz según Juan Antonio Díaz López

Juan Antonio Díaz López es profesor de la Universidad de Granada y artista plástico. Ha trabajado en diferentes universidades europeas y en Estados Unidos. Es experto en hispanismo británico y especialmente en la figura del escritor Gerald Brenan. 

Imagen: Díaz López, J.A. (1987). Gerald Brenan. Hispanista angloandaluz. Granada: Editorial B.L.N. (Cuadernos Totales).

En esta publicación, Díaz López nos introduce en la vida de  Brenan con una nota bio-bibliográfica  y en sus obras sobre España (The Spanish labyrinthThe Face of Spain, South from Granada, The Literature of the Spanish People y St John of the Cross), su autobiografía en España (Personal Record) y su libro de pensamientos (Thoughts in a Dry Season). Una magnífica invitación para conocer mejor la vida y obra de Gerald Brenan.


Díaz López, J.A. (1987). Gerald Brenan. Hispanista angloandaluz. Granada: Editorial B.L.N. (Cuadernos Totales).

miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017


On November 1st, All Saints Day (a public holiday) and 2nd, All Souls Day in Spain, we celebrate the Christian tradition of honouring and remembering those ones who have died. Many Spaniards go to the cemeteries, they clean and lay fresh flowers on the family´s graves. In the cities these traditions have almost disappeared, but in the little villages, they are still alive.
The tradition goes back to early Christianity, when the fathers of the church tried to introduce these popular festivities into the liturgy. The feast of All Saints Day has its roots in autumnal pagan festivals that announce the imminent approach of winter. During the autumn, the field after the joy of the grape harvest is waiting for the sowing. The earth, feminine symbol, appears arid at this time of year, but after receiving the seed, masculine symbol, this earth becomes hope. These celebrations represent a reunion between the world of the dead (arid land) and the world of the living (life).

Formerly, after dinner, "the chestnut" was celebrated, a family meal dedicated to the dead and that was a reminder of funeral meals. Normal dinner was cooked and, then, they ate  chestnuts, they were roasted over a fire, and they drank wine that had to be sweet or white. The chestnuts were placed on the table and you could serve yourself.


1. What happens in the autumn?
2. What does the text tell about?
3. What do we celebrate in these festivities?
4. What is the masculine symbol and the feminine symbol?
5. What do these parts represent?
6. Formerly, what was eaten after dinner?
7. Explain what you know about chestnut.
8.  What was "the chestnut"?
9. Have you ever heard about this?
10. Complete with synonyms:

árida: __________________ próxima:____________________
inminente: _______________ época:_____________________