Las TILDES (marcas de acento) tienen en español dos propósitos diferentes: indicar dónde el acento cae sobre una palabra cuando es pronunciada o para ayudar a diferenciar entre palabras con idéntica grafía.
TILDES(accent marks) are in Spanish for two different purposes: to indicate where the stress or emphasis falls on a word when it is pronounced, and to help differentiate between identically spelled words.
Para resumir/To sum up
¿Termina la palabra en a, e, i, o, u, n, or s? Does the word end in a, e, i, o, u, n, or s?
- LLANAS _3º _2º_ _1º 1. Una TILDE NO es requerida si: A TILDE is NOT required if:
camino | [ca-MI-no, road, ends in a vowel, and the stress falls on the next-to-the last syllable] | |
hablan | [HA-blan, they speak, ends in an n and the stress falls on the next-to-the-last syllable] | |
muchachas | [mu-CHA-chas, girls, ends in an s and the stress falls on the next-to-the-last syllable] 2.Una TILDE es requerida si: /A TILDE(written accent mark) is required if: La palabra termina en una consonante excepto n o s y el acento cae en la penúltima sílaba. The word ends in a consonant other than n or s and the stress falls on the next-to-last syllable. |
mártir | [MÁR-tir, martyr, ends in an r and the stress falls on the next-to-the-last syllable] | |
cárcel | [CÁR-cel, jail, ends in an l and the stress falls on the next-to-the-last syllable] |
- AGUDAS: 3º 2º 1º A)Lapalabra termina en una (a, e, i, o, u) o n o s y el acento cae sobre la última sílaba. The word ends in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or n or s and the stress falls on the last syllable.
- Una TILDE es requerida si : A TILDE(written accent mark) is required if :
caminó | [ca-mi-NÓ, he/she walked ends in a vowel, and the stress falls on the last syllable] | |
canción | [can-CIÓN, song, ends in an n and the stress falls on the last syllable] | |
verás | [ve-RÁS, you will see, ends in an s and the stress falls on the last syllable] |
B) Una TILDE NO es requerida si: A TILDE is NOT required if: La palabra termina en una consonante excepto n o s y el acento cae en la última sílaba.The word ends in a consonant other than n or s and the stress falls on the last syllable.
querer | [que-RER, to want, ends in an r and the stress falls on the last syllable] | |
ciudad |
- ESDRÚJULAS: 3º 2º 1º El acento cae en la vocal después de las dos sílabas desde el final de la palabra.The stress falls on any vowel more than two syllables from the end of the word.
propósito | [pro-PÓ-si-to, purpose, is stressed on the third-from-the-last syllable] | |
¿Recuerdas las reglas para usar la tilde correctamente?