Nerja boasts the most spectacular coastal landscape in the region of Axarquía. On the westernmost tip of this municipality, the slopes of the Sierra de Almijara plunge into the sea, creating the Maro-Cerro Gordo cliffs. This natural area has a series of heavenly unspoilt beaches. The coastline is characterised by dark sand beaches and crystal-clear waters. La Caletilla beach and Calahonda beach lie just below the Balcony of Europe, a viewpoint affording breath-taking vistas of the Mediterranean. The Church of El Salvador, the Shrine of Las Angustias and the Águila Aqueduct are three gems in the rich historical heritage of this travel destination. The main tourist attraction, however, is the Cave of Nerja.
Cave of Nerja
At the foot of the Sierra de Almijara lies the Cave of Nerja. Discovered in 1959 and designated as a National Historical and Artistic Monument, this cave is known as the Prehistoric Cathedral for the archaeological remains found inside. It covers 4,823m, a third of which are galleries open to the public.
The tour of the cave goes through a series of galleries, affording views of the speleothems that characterise the interior landscape of this amazing karst formation. They include the thickest cave column on Earth, formed by a combination of stalagmites and stalactites. Guided spelunking tours are available. Also, the Cave of Nerja is the venue of a widely acclaimed international festival.
Balcony of Europe
The Balcony of Europe lies at the far end of a palm-lined avenue. It is a viewpoint around a circular square that seems to be floating above the sea. It occupies the site where the Low Castle of Nerja used to be; the castle was destroyed during the Spanish War of Independence. A series of cannons stand as a reminder of the site’s military past.
Church of El Salvador
This church was built in the sixteenth century and renovated later. It has a nave and two aisles, and a Mudejar truss. The façade has a square belfry tower. The treasures inside include eighteenth-century frescoes by the School of Granada and a mural of the Annunciation by Francisco Hernández.
Águila Aqueduct
This aqueduct was raised in the nineteenth century over the river Maro to supply a sugar mill with water. It has four brick arch tiers and a niche bearing the inscription ‘Pure and clean conception’.
Shrine of Nuestra Señora de las Angustias
The Baroque Shrine of Nuestra Señora de las Angustias houses an image of Nerja’s Patroness. It has a single nave, crowned by a barrel vault. The dome shows eighteenth-century paintings from the School of Granada.
Parish Church of Nuestra Señora de las Maravillas
In the village of Maro there is the Parish Church of Nuestra Señora de las Maravillas. Finished in the seventeenth century, it has a single nave and a wooden truss. The main exterior feature is the tower, crowned by a pyramidal capital and a belfry.
Nerja has a 16km coastline divided into 14 beaches. Burriana, Playazo, Calahonda and Torrecilla are the most popular. They offer all kinds of services and facilities. There are many stunningly beautiful unspoilt coves in the area.
Verano Azul Park
This theme park is based on the popular TV show Verano Azul, shot in Nerja in the 1980s. Tourists filled with nostalgia can take a picture of La Dorada, the ship where the beloved Chanquete used to live.
viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015
domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015
FORMACIÓN IMPERATIVO *IRSE, IROS (extendidas en el lenguaje coloquial, pero consideradas incorrectas)
Usamos el imperativo para ordenar o pedir algo. Uno de los errores más frecuentes es el de formar el imperativo con el verbo en infinitivo
- IR -->(Tú) ve (Vosotros) id
Es válida la forma del infinitivo con valor imperativo cuando va precedida de la preposición a (¡a callar!) o cuando se emplea para dar órdenes no a interlocutores concretos, sino al público en general (No tocar).
Imperativo de verbos regulares (oraciones afirmativas)
1ª conjugación: de -a- Compr-a (tú)
-e- Compr-e (usted)
2ª conjugación: de -e- Beb-e (tú)
-a- Beb-a (usted)
3ª conjugación: de -i- Viv-e (tú)
-a- Viv-a (usted)
Ejemplo: irse --> idos
(te) vete
(se) váyase
(nos) vayámonos, vámonos
(os) idos
(se) váyanse
no te vayas
no se vaya
no nos vayamos
no os vayáis
no se vayan
Imperativo de verbos regulares (oraciones afirmativas)
-ar | -er | -ir | |
Tú | canta | come | vive |
Usted | cante | coma | viva |
Vosotros | cantad | comed | vivid |
Ustedes | canten | coman | vivan |
1ª conjugación: de -a- Compr-a (tú)
2ª conjugación: de -e- Beb-e (tú)
3ª conjugación: de -i- Viv-e (tú)
Imperativo de verbos regulares (oraciones negativas)
La estructura negativa del verbo en modo imperativo corresponde a la forma del presente de subjuntivo(no cantes, no cantéis, no canten, etc...).
-ar | -er | -ir | |
Tú | cantes | comas | vivas |
Usted | cante | coma | viva |
Vosotros | cantéis | comáis | viváis |
Ustedes | canten | coman | vivan |
Formas irregulares (estar, ir, saber y ser) |
*1ª persona plural (nosotros/as) de los verbos ir e irse (irregulares)
Formas irregulares de la 2ª persona del singular |
Formas regulares de la 2ª persona del plural |
Formas regulares de los verbos reflexivos
- Afirmativa de 1ª persona plural (nosotros/nosotras) suprime la -s de la terminación -mos
Ejemplo: levantémonos NO *levantémosnos
- Afirmativo de 2ª persona plural (vosotros/vosotras) suprime la -d del mandato -mos
Ejemplo: levantaos NO *levantados
Los verbos reflexivos de una sílaba, como irse, retienen la -d al formar la 2ª persona del plural por cuestiones fonéticas.
Ejemplo: irse --> idos
(te) vete
(se) váyase
(nos) vayámonos, vámonos
(os) idos
(se) váyanse
no te vayas
no se vaya
no nos vayamos
no os vayáis
no se vayan
jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015
lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015
La "Alboronía", manjar de "Las mil y una noches", es el principio de todos los "pistos"
Imagen: Ayuntamiento Arcos de la Frontera <//
Estudio léxico realizado por Lola Ortega Muñoz
La vitalidad de la palabra alboronía (boronía, almoronía o moronía) que el Diccionario Usual de la Academia de 1899 define como manjar nombrado en Las mil y una noches, tras su máximo esplendor en la época de las tres culturas (judía, árabe y cristiana), sufre un revés (s. XV) al ser asociada como propia de judíos y árabes; tal como documenta La Lozana Andaluza (Delicado) y La Gran Sultana (Cervantes), lo que pudo conllevar cierta connotación peyorativa que propició que su frecuencia fuera decreciendo a lo largo de los siglos.
Para el erudito español Carlos Alvar, en Cervantes y las religiones, por el texto sabemos que los judíos comían este guiso que podría ser festivo (celebraciones). Según el Diccionario de Autoridades (1726), este guisado es servido durante los días en que se prohíbe comer carne, es decir, que los cristianos lo comían durante la Cuaresma. Estos datos avalan la gran vitalidad del término en la época de las tres culturas, con la hegemonía final de la cristiana que denostaba a los conversos, quienes habían sido acusados de infieles durante mucho tiempo por sus costumbres (culinarias, de higiene, etc.) que los delataban. Todo ello, nos puede hacer comprender la razón por la que en España, el cerdo ibérico es una de las carnes más representativas.
Al guiso (berenjena, cebolla, calabaza, frutos secos, garbanzos, etc.) se le añadieron tomates y pimientos de América que sustituyeron a algunos de los ingredientes hebreos o moriscos comprometedores; lo que facilita el cambio del nombre por otro latino y aleja su delatora procedencia. El pisto del latín pistus (machacado), posiblemente relacionado con la presencia final del plato; sin connotaciones, fue bien aceptado por los viejos y nuevos cristianos (1897 Gayangos Glos. voces antiguas s/v: En Castilla llamamos alboronía al pisto). De hecho, la voz se ha impuesto frente a alboronía paulatinamente a lo largo del tiempo.
Pero "alboronía" no es igual a "pisto", es el principio (principĭum). El término, en la actualidad, es divulgado y ha revivido en el campo de la gastronomía, al buscar distinguirse con voces que definan con propiedad guisos autóctonos y pongan de relieve su historia (cocina judeo-arábiga-andaluza); en este caso, ampliamente documentado por escritores ilustres como el cordobés J. Valera ( [había] una exquisita alboronía, que pudiese celebrar, si resucitase, el mismo famoso cocinero de Bagdad que la inventó, dándole el nombre de la bella Alborán) quien ha reivindicado la voz en diferentes obras.
REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA: Recursos en línea, [Recuperado 3/3/15]
COROMINAS, J. (1974). Diccionario crítico etimológico de la lengua castellana. Volumen I, A-C., Editorial Gredos, Madrid.
ALVAR EZQUERRA, M. (1961-1973). Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico del andaluz (6 tomos). Madrid: Arcos.
ALCALÁ VENCESLADA, A (1951). Vocabulario andaluz. Madrid: Real información Academia española.
ÁLVAREZ CURIEL, F. (199). Vocabulario popular andaluz. Málaga: Arguval.
CERVANTES, M. (1749). Comedias y entremeses: La Gran Sultana. Madrid: Ed. Antonio Marín. [Consulta 27/02/2015]
DELICADO, F. (1528). La lozana andaluza. Venecia: Edición digital, Alicante, Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 2004. <>. [06/03/15]
VALERA, J. (1824-1905). Obras de D. Juan Valera. Madrid: Imprenta y Fundición M. Tello, 1887. [En línea] Edición digital, Alicante, Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes: [Biblioteca de autor] [3/03/2015] <
domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015
The birthplace of the discovery of America is in Spain (Language Exchange-Vocabulary)

From its port, on the 3rd of August 1492, the Pinta, the Niña and the Santa Maria set sail with admiral Christopher Columbus, the Pinzón brothers and the sailors of Palos on board.
In 1992, on the five hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America, it was decided that a reproduction of the vessels that took Columbus and his crew across the ocean should be created. The three ships formed part of the 1992 Universal Exposition of Seville and were amongst numerous expositions under the theme of ‘The Age of Discovery’. Finally, the Junta de Andalucía acquired the replicas and decided to commemorate the boats in La Rábida. Inaugurated in 1994, the site is managed by the local council and has become the third most visited place in Andalucía.
A visit to the town itself would not be complete without a tour of the town’s Columbus-related places of interest, with the monastery of La Rábida acting as the centre of such a tour. In was in this small Franciscan monastery that Columbus sought refuge before the start of his voyage. Its importance does not lie in its architecture nor in a rich art collection but in its significant part in one of the most important moments in Spanish history.
lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015
"La Peña de los Enamorados" (leyenda y vocabulario), Intercambio Idiomas Málaga
On the road from Seville to Granada, you can’t fail to notice an impressive rock of a peculiar shape in Malaga’s fertile meadow: the rocky profile looks like a human face, a lying Native American looking at the sky. This rock surrounded by fields, will be the scene of another tragic history involving a couple of lovers.
Antequera and Archidona have got together to create a new tourist route based around the famous rock known as the “Peña de los Enamorados” (lovers’ rock) that rises up on the plain between both towns. The route takes visitors on a tour of the most picturesque sites surrounding the legend of Tello and Tazgona, the couple whose tragic story gives the rock its name.
It was the 15th century; Tello was a Christian and Tagzona a Moor, and so their love was not tolerated by their religious beliefs.
After the Reconquest of Antequera on 16 September 1410 by the Infante don Fernando, throughout the 15th century the town was on the border between Christian and Muslim territories.
A young man from Antequera, Tello, was taken prisoner in Archidona, which was then under Moorish rule. The daughter of the Moorish ruler in the town, Tagzona, visited the prison cells out of curiosity and there she met the handsome soldier.
They fell in love at first sight, but they knew that it would be impossible to be together. Tagzona’s father had already promised her hand in marriage to another man.
They decided to escape, but the guards discovered them and made chase, with Tazgona’s father in front. They reached the rock close to Antequera and decided to climb up. When they reached the top the Moorish father’s archers took aim at the young couple, in an attempt to force them to give up their flight.
They looked at each other, held hands and jumped.
| Couple | ||
To escape |
To promise
To discover
To enforce
To protect
| Shape |
To climb up
To involve
To fail
| To fall in love | ||
At first sight | To chase |
To know
| Together |
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